Rijswijks Pompwater Stroopwafel Likeur 50cl


Rijswijks Pompwater Stroopwafel Likeur 50cl
  • Rijswijks Pompwater Stroopwafel Likeur 50cl
  • Rijswijks Pompwater Stroopwafel Likeur 50cl

Rijswijks Pompwater Stroopwafel Likeur 50cl


BottlerWijn- en Whiskyspecialist van der Boog
Distillery / brandStroopwafel Likeur
RangeRijswijks Pompwater
CountryThe Netherlands
Content Size0.5 liter
€ 12,36

In stock

Rijswijks Pompwater Stroopwafel Likeur 50cl

"Rijswijks Pompwater" (pumped water) is our own series of liqueurs and consists of:

  • Babbelaar Likeur (butterscotch)
  • Bitterkoekjes Likeur (almond)
  • Choco & Orange Likeur
  • Hazelnootlikeur (hazelnut)
  • Honing Drop Likeur (honey liquorice)
  • Kersen Likeur (cherry)
  • Koffielikeur (coffee)
  • Limoncello
  • Peren Likeur (pears)
  • Rumpunch
  • Stroopwafel likeur (syrup waffle)

"In earlier days, houses had no water connection. They used buckets to fetch water from a well since 1550. Things got easier in 1831, when the water pump that is now so familiar to us appeared next to the well.

The village pump is a national monument and, together with the well, part of Rijswijk's archaeological heritage."

Rijswijks Pompwater Stroopwafel Likeur 50cl

Rijswijks Pompwater Stroopwafel Likeur 50cl

€ 12,36

In stock